Women Empowerment

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my Blog. In my last blog, I had penned down about a very major topic, Gender Equality, and I realized how important it is for us to raise our voice against the oppression of women in today’s societies decided that it would be better to go deeper into the topic and raise awareness regarding the empowerment of women.

Therefore, in today’s blog, we are going to deal with topics like women empowerment, it’s importance, and the measures necessary to inculcate the importance of this movement in today’s generation.

The meaning of empowering women

Before we dwell further into the topic, we’ll talk about what empowering women actually means. Empowering women means giving them resources to be financially and rationally independent in their choices on one side, and on the other side,

It also means broadcasting the belief that they are equal to everyone else and that they have the same rights and can choose what and where to be and to do in their lives.

If you ask mean empowered women are one that knows that confidence, intelligence, and fierce determination are the only tools she needs to achieve anything she sets her mind to.

When a woman is empowered, she pursues excellence in all aspects of life and never settles. She is able to visualize her dreams, then has the courage to run after them.

Women Empower
Women Empowerment

Factors influencing women’s empowerment

Empowerment comes with knowledge. Education as means of empowerment of women can bring about a positive attitudinal change. It is, therefore crucial for the socio-economic and political progress of India as it is a woman who plays a dominant role in the basic life of a child.

And it is rightly said by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,” “If you educate a man you educate an individual, however, if you educate a woman you educate a whole family. Women empowered means mother India empowered”. Hence, women’s education in India plays a very key role in the overall progress of the country.

It not only helps in the development of half of the human resources but in improving the quality of life at home and outside. And not only women, everyone has the right to education.

Let’s just ponder over the fact, that women might have the chance of a healthier and happier life, and this should be reason enough for promoting girls’ education. Around 50 percent of the world population consists of the women population.

Unemployment of women and unequal opportunities in the places of work due to a majority of women’s illiteracy causes great problems around the world, because the true potential is left from being harnessed.

There are plenty of important benefits for society as a whole when women are educated. An educated woman has the skills, information and self-confidence that she needs to be a better parent, worker and citizen.

Now let us come to the importance of this crucial movement. Empowering women not only brings benefits to society as a whole, but it also brings a stop to the increasing cases of domestic violence and sexual exploitation.

It is important that women understand what unacceptable behavior is, in order to fight against it. This is why education is very important. Another point is that while women empowerment serves in granting economic independence to women.

It also serves in contributing to the economic benefits of the household and society as a whole. Hence, it also serves as a convenient way to eradicate poverty.

Women empowerment also facilitates national development. We have seen women from our own country who have exhibited potential in the National and even International levels.

Women like Saakshi Malik, Dipa Karmakar and Manushi Chhillar. have all portrayed extraordinary talents and rose to International recognition even, let aside national.

Now that we’ve discussed the significance of empowering women, we’ll now talk about the measures we can take to bring this crucial movement a step further.

Our constitution has brought into action certain initiatives in the past few years to help with this movement. The Constitution not only grants equality to women but also empowers the State to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favor of women.

Human rights instruments committing to secure equal rights of women. The government has also started many welfare schemes for women rights such as Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS)

Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana.

  • Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls – Sabla.
  • Rashtriya Mahila Kosh.
  • Priyadarshini.
  • National Action Plan for Children.

Besides this, another very important aspect that we need to understand is that in order to give women the respect and opportunities that they deserve, we need to change our mindset regarding them.

Child marriage, domestic violence, sexual violation, and dropping out of school at an early age are some of the major factors which have relatively slowed down the movement, especially in India.

Across India, 39.4% girls aged 15-18 years drop out of school and college, according to a recent report by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights. Of the girls who drop out, 64.8% do so not because they are working jobs, but because they are forced to take on household chores, or are betrothed in begging. At least 35 million children aged 6 – 14 years do not attend school. 53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate.


Child marriages often occurred throughout history and are still prevailing due to variety of reasons including, Poverty, Insecurity, Political and financial reasons, Lack of education., Patriarchy and gender inequalities.


Therefore, to eliminate these practices, we need to instill in the minds of this generation, the importance of educating their daughters, and sons, and teach them the drawbacks of child marriages, domestic violence and sexual harassment.


Back in my village, a man was trying to get his 13-year-old daughter married to a 17-year-old boy, and it was my sense of duty to tell him that what he was doing is wrong. I did so, and also tell him to educate his daughter further so, later on, she can become a successful woman who can not only help with the financial conditions of the family but also make them proud.


Therefore, my friends, us educated people need to work harder and teach the illiterate people this whole concept of women empowerment in order to bring about a change. Many women are very capable of doing a lot of wonders, and it is our responsibility to make them realize that.


We should give those women a grounding in how they can develop themselves on personal, academic and professional levels, so that they can work up to their highest potential and make our country and its citizens proud.


Empowerment stems from self-respect, and women would gain that self-respect only when they are given a respectable position in our society with chances they deserve, hence bringing together this important movement.

I would like to conclude this with a great quote by Anderson,” Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength”. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, do comment them below.

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